The object of building a squeeze page and then driving traffic to it is to collect the contact information of site visitors. That's it, end of story. There should be no promotional advertising of any sort that may distract the visitor. Presenting multiple options other than leaving their contact information will likely end in a 'none decision' with the visitor leaving your site…for good.
With the offer of a free giveaway and an explanation of the benefits they'll enjoy by opting in to your list your final objective is to make this process simple for them.
At this point you'll want to 'clearly' prompt the site visitor as to what the next step is. It is here that you want to compel them to leave their contact information. The opt-in box of your squeeze page is a very critical component of your list building campaign.
Here are the 4 key components you'll want to focus on to maximize the effectiveness of your opt-in box:
• In just a few lines prior to any text within the opt-in box itself you'll want to give clear instructions as to what you want the visitor to do. Remind them of the free giveaway and tell them EXACTLY what they need to do to get it. For instance, "Simply leave your first name and primary email address below to instantly receive your free instructional video."
Using words or terms such as instantly, immediately, or right away to describe the delivery timetable of the free giveaway appeals to the instant gratification mindset of the modern day masses.
• On the opt-in form itself avoid being overly intrusive with the type of contact information you're requesting. This could turn away many site visitors on the spot. The request for a first name is sufficient. Site visitors will feel more comfortable knowing they haven't totally relinquished their 'privacy' to a complete stranger. You want to minimize any objections they may have to give you their contact information and NOT add to them.
• When asking for their email address you want to specify their primary email address. Most everyone today has multiple email addresses but some are rarely used. Collecting active and frequently used email addresses is a key element of list building. This enables you to maintain consistent contact with your list members while also making periodic 'offers' to them.
• Edit your submit button on the opt-in form. By using text on the 'submit' button that better relates to the actual squeeze page offer itself will keep the site visitor more focused on what they have to gain. For instance "Yes, I want to lose weight now!" or "Send my complimentary gift right away!" would serve well as emotional triggers to somebody considering such an offer.
By avoiding the use of any promotional advertising on your squeeze page you're able to minimize any distractions a visitor to your site may have. Your singular focus is to clearly and briefly state your offer and its benefits. After that let the person know EXACTLY what it is you want them to do. Make this process simple for them and then just sit back and watch your list grow.
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