Monday, November 10, 2008

List Building With Articles - 2 Simple Strategies For Discovering What Your Community Wants to Know

List building with articles is a great way to get to know the people on your list, your community. Here are 2 simple to use strategies to get to know your community better.

I divide this into email strategies and letter strategies. Many times I will send out an email asking my list what are their current challenges, what are their struggles, what are their questions.

Email strategy

What I'll also do a few times a year is when I send out an announcement of an upcoming teleseminar, in that email I'll invite them to ask a question. That will create the teleseminar and will answer those questions on the teleseminar.

So you can ask in a simple email program that you already have access to, whether it's through a shopping cart or through some other system. You already have a way to ask. I lift that out because I don't want you to think you have to get into some huge production and expensive kind of thing to get these questions asked.

You don't have to. Just send an email. Can we all do that? Yes, we can all do that and I want y'all to do that, so that's the email version of it.

Letter strategy

A derivative of doing it that way is called the letter strategy. That's where in an email you tell your listeners, your readers, your following, your community that you have put together a letter you would like them to read.

So the first letter for this I ever wrote, I wrote in the lounge of an automotive place, but it was a letter for the mentor program, talking about people's struggles, what they struggled with, what the solution was, and there was a letter addressed to them, asking them what they were struggling with and then having them apply - you get that piece? - to be in the mentor program. Part of that application was telling me what their biggest struggle was.

That's using email to send them to a letter, so you can do it solely by email. Just send out an email. "What's your biggest question about _____? What do you struggle with? What can I help you with? What's in the way that I can answer?" You can do that just with a straight email.

Secondly, send an email letting them know that you have put together a letter that you'd like them to read, and the link in the email sends them to that letter.

So that's email and then the letter, letting them know that you want to know what they struggle with and asking them to apply for something that's part of the answer, and asking them a question right there in that letter so you'll know what to provide them with.

And here is another great strategy for building your list and community. Get your instant free access to my List Building Article Template when you go to

From Jeff Herring - The Article Marketing Guy and List Building GOLD Secrets

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