Monday, November 10, 2008

Squeeze Page Templates - 15 Minutes to Lead Generating Pages

Squeeze page templates are an effective way for you to build your mailing list by capturing your website visitors information. You can then use their contact information to follow up with them at a later time.

If you've spent anytime online, you'll see the same old boring squeeze pages everywhere. I'm sure you want to stand out from the crowd and offer your visitors a more appealing way to enter their contact information.

So how can you do this in 15 minutes or less? Easy. Use custom designed squeeze page templates. You've probably heard countless times that to increase productivity, you shouldn't reinvent the wheel. And when you use squeeze page templates, you don't have to! This is a simple and effective method to build your mailing list.

If you have 15 minutes to spare, here's how you can use squeeze page templates to jumpstart your list building efforts:

Minutes 1- 3

Today's web visitors are savvy. You want to offer them an attractive page that also converts. Utilize squeeze page templates that make it easy for your visitors to use. Don't confuse them. Make your opt-in box easy to find. Also, consider placing it near the top as well as the bottom of the squeeze page.

Minutes 4- 6

Choose an attention-grabbing headline for your squeeze page. A headline is one of the most important elements of your squeeze page. This is one element you should spend 90-95% of your time on.

Minutes 7- 9

Think of headlines that showcase the pain your visitor is having. Phrase your headline in such a way that your visitor will think to themselves, 'Yup, how do they know this is happening to me?'. Try to get inside the mind of your visitor when you create your headline.

Minutes 10- 12

Once your headline is done, think of a few benefits that your product or service offers. Don't confuse benefits with features. For example, if you're promoting a product that helps people sleep better at night, a benefit could be, 'wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the world'. It's a good idea to include 3-5 benefits of your product or service. Try to bullet your features to make them stand out.

Minutes 13- 15

Once you've mentioned a few benefits of your product or service on your squeeze page, you may want to add a feature or two. Using the above example of a product that helps people sleep better at night, a feature you could highlight could be, 'this product is safe and is made with natural ingredients which have been approved by the FDA'. Try to keep the features limited on your squeeze page. You can expand on features and benefits more on the sales page.

So there you have it. Simply by using squeeze page templates, you can create lead generating squeeze pages in 15 minutes or less.

Michelle Greene would like to show you how easy it is to use her custom designed squeeze page templates. Now it's possible to quickly do it yourself in 15 minutes or less. Visit

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