Monday, November 10, 2008

Make Money From Your List - Even When They Leave

People are opting-in to the promise of everything from webinars, e-courses and online video to seminars and workshops. Sometimes that promise isn't fulfilled "in their mind" and they decide to opt-out. Opting-out does not have to mean the end of the relationship, or the end of the possibility of making a sale.

How do I make money when people leave my list?

Ask yourself this world-class question: How do I make money when people leave my list?

This is up there with how do I make money when people steal from me? How do I make money when people leave my list? Aren't they taking action if they're opting out? Aren't those people action takers? Those people are better than people who are not ever acting on whatever you're sending them.

We love opt out people, they're decisive. If you have someone who loves you or dislikes you, that's better than someone who's undecided. The indecisive on your list of any kind, offline or online, prospects or customers, the indecisive are the most costly and have the most power.

In the world of Internet marketing and offline marketing the indecisive become the most costly, because they don't make a decision. The opt-out person is a decision maker they're deciding to opt-out.

Therefore, when they go to your opt-out page, just make sure that on your opt-out page you have an offer. Every email business tool out there whether it's AWeber, InfusionSoft, Marketers Choice or Marketing Makeover Generator, all have opt-out mechanisms... use them.

Even if it's an offer that has nothing to do with you, make sure it's an affiliate offer so they click it. You could say something like, "I'm sorry to see that you're leaving, but if you want to learn how to put your voice on the Net for less than $1 day then you can go to my friend's site at..."

The Opt-out is one of the most powerful pages on the Internet

Even though people are leaving you, it's not the end of the world. It's the beginning of a new era, because you can monetize those people. Have an opt-out offer when people leave your list. The opt-out is one of the most powerful pages on the Internet. The only page that's more powerful than that is the thank you page... and that's a topic for another article.

And we'd like to invite you watch and listen to FREE additional online marketing tips and powerful strategies by going to

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